Watatic and New Business


Standing on the top of Mt. Watatic last weekend with a view in all directions, it became clear to me why Google Earth is so limited. With wind in my face I could not only see distant lakes and mountains, but I had a sense of what they were like. It is this “sense” of things that that will never happen on your desktop screen as you visit fascinating places. This gap in understanding is the same thing that occurs when one creates a strategic plan or operating process based on their ideas and intuition garnered from discussions with the folks down the hall. This internal approach has the advantage of being relatively quick, but is far riskier than a fully vetted approach driven by the marketplace.

Since the goal usually is to find new opportunities and grow the business, the last thing you need is the all too common s.p.o.t.s syndrome or strategic plan on top shelf [gathering dust]. You need a realistic assessment of the new business you can expect to win, a well though-out approach to get it, and the willingness to see it through

By basing your plans, hopes, and operations on the real situation instead of the hypothetical, success is far more likely. Many good things happen when you are immersed in the marketplace and all of its dynamics.

  • With a realistic foundation, successfully executing the plan is far more likely than if it is based on a veneer of hope.
  • People in your organization will be more inspired since it will reflect what they are seeing in the market.
  • You can build and cement relationships with customers, partners, and others who can provide important resources.
  • You will have your finger on emerging opportunities before your competition.
  • You’ll make products that solve the important problems, and you will know when to ramp up demand and drive the needed sales.
  • You will be confident that folks in your company are working on the most valuable products, markets, and activities.

So to get the best out of your organization and find new opportunities, don’t build your plans while you are exploring the two dimensional view from your screen. Go out into the elements, feel the wind on your face, and get a real understanding of where you need to go.

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